Monday, October 27, 2008

----------------------Fall is Here!!-----------------

I love this time of year, cool but not cold leaves changing. I love living so close to the mountains, they are just beautiful. Last Thursday I packed up Ella and Alex and went to Mom and Dad's house. Ella had Friday off from school and it was Dad's birthday. I hated that Stephen had to work and couldn't come but I think, well I know he enjoyed having a night in the house by himself who wouldn't??? We went to a pumpkin patch and got pumpkins Ella loved running down the rows and picking out ones for all of us. Alex just wanted milk. Alex is doing great, eating and sleeping like a champ. Friday night and last night he went down around 10pm and slept until 5am and then back to sleep after a bottle!!! Other nights aren't that bad either, he sometimes wakes around 3am for a quick bottle and then goes back down. I have to give God the big high five for giving me such a good sleeper. I have not once felt sleep deprived. And actually Ella was like that too. On the very rare occasion she would be awake for a couple hours at night but not much. Now she was fussy every night from 5pm-9pm. I wouldn't call it full on colic as I am sure parents of a full blown colicky baby would have loved to have her fussy spells. But she just got fussy. She had a hard time eating too, she was a spitter, almost every bottle that milk would come flying out of her mouth....I was just waiting for her head to start spinning around. I think everyone in the family got it at one time or another. But all in all she was a great baby and Alex is just as laid back as they come.....he takes after his daddy and I can't complain about that one bit! Health-wise Alex is doing well. Growing in length and weight, he loves to eat that's for sure. I am just trying to relax bewteen noe and his next appointment with the surgeon in December.


1 comment:

Kelli said...

Sounds like you had a great time at your parents and also at the pumpkin patch! :) Alex's sleep schedule is AWESOME! Sounds like he has a terrific demeanor!! Hope you are all well! Is Ella excited to go tricker or treatin'?